Here are some more photos from the very wonderful wedding of Dan & Emma Burke in Lanouille, France. Chateau la Durantie. I feel blessed just writing all of that down, that's not including the food, the B&B we stayed at (thank-you Ron & Jennie!!), the people we met, the fun we had, the sunshine we sat in, the fun we were included in, the love I felt for so many people by the end of the weekend...this is for our new friends and people we got to know that little bit better. Lins and I had the best time, and I hope this can be seen in the photos.
(For more please click on the title and I will put a few more on my website)
..Beautiful couple!
...a gorgeous photo taken by my wonderful husband Lindsay West!
Back at the chateau and it was Dan's turn to get out of the car clutching a bouquet!
It's always fun having an assistant (especially if it's your hubbie!) and he got this shot of me just to prove I was there!!
Can you think of a better setting to cut cake in!
These were literally the BEST cakes I've EVER tasted...every one of them (yes I did try them all!!), and they were made by Emma's very wonderful and talented brother Andy...please make me and Lins one soon!!
The Man himself..thanks Andy!!

...DD letting us know where he's from! Many of the guests travelled a long way to celebrate with Dan & Emma!
I just had to utilise the gorgeous setting sun!
...and so the evening began. I've included a few of my favourite shots (and the ones I can show in public!!) These guys know how to party hard, and I ended up staying till 3am, what a night!!!
..then the real partying began!
..I still don't know how you managed to sleep sitting up, with the party going on, but one of the funniest things I've ever seen, brilliant night!
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